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浏览次数:54     发布时间:2008-12-25    

CIMCIE 2009北京 第三届中国国际微波元器件及仪器展览会
The third China International Microwave components and equipment exhibition
-- 2009 China Forum on microwave technology
Time: December 22, 2009 -9 24
Venue: Beijing?China International Exhibition Center
邀 请 函    Invitations
主办单位:中国LD行业协会       中国通信工业协会
Sponsor: China trade associations radar China Telecommunications Industry Association
Beijing Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics China
协办单位:中国电子科技集团公司       中国航天科工集团公司
Co-organizers: China Electronics Science and Technology Corporation, China CASIC
Sponsor: China Electronic Information Industry Group
Sponsor: Beijing Qifa Exhibition Service Co.,Ltd
指定媒体:微波在线(www.kilomega.com)、微波射频网(www. Mrfn.cn)
● 前  言  Foreword
     Microwave technology is the application of a wide range of social and economic benefits are clearly one of the high-technology industry. The reason is the rapid development, the main reason is that it has great &#118alue. At present, the modern wireless communications, satellite communications, micro-electronics, nano-technology, electrical science, radar, and other sensor technology and life science and technology field and are based on microwave technology, and modern weapons and equipment of the information is even more indispensable microwave , millimeter wave the support of this core technology. For example, microwave radar technology used not only for national defense, but also used for navigation, meteorological measurements, geodesy, industrial inspection and traffic management, and so on. Microwave equipment, microwave measuring equipment, microwave signal source, microwave equipment also very special &#118alue. In response to the national call on the scientific and technological innovation, and the second held in the Beijing Exhibition will be these microwave devices and microwave technology exhibition on the achievements of the main products, and a wide range of domestic and international aviation, aerospace, defense, military, civilian, radar, electronic countermeasures, ships, weapons, navigation, radio, television, communication, communication, information, telecommunications, electronics, remote sensing, remote sensing, navigation, instrumentation, and other fields units, and enterprises to exchange, discuss technical cooperation.
The exhibition microwave devices, will be invited many domestic and foreign enterprises and microwave industry renowned experts in business negotiations and academic exchanges, microwave targeted invite professional users, and focused on integration, the results of microwave technology negotiate cooperation to ensure the success of the General Assembly.
 规模及目的和赞助:scale and purpose and sponsors:
1. Number of exhibitors from this exhibition, such as the size of the audience will be the first.
2. Microwave technology forum and exhibition aim is to engage in microwave and millimeter-wave radio show in the field of enterprise products and services to provide a platform for exchanges, microwave and millimeter-wave radio in the area of the majority of scientists, engineering and technology developers, academics, to provide a mutual exchange, mutual understanding Opportunities for our microwave and millimeter-wave radio frequency technology and industry play a role in promoting.
3. Sponsors are: (diamonds, gold, silver) sponsorship, and to sponsor the exhibition in his capacity as the General Assembly to enjoy a variety of special treatment. (Detailed information and treatment available)
agenda of the meeting: Long and report back: September 20, 2008 21, (9:00-17:00)
展    览:2008年9月22日?24日(9:00-16:30)
Exhibition: September 22, 2008 -24 (9:00-16:30)
 专题技术交流论坛讲座:feature technology exchange seminars:
Charges: 7600 yuan / field, (Note: every two hours, less than two hours by one calculation)
Including conference rooms, public address facilities. Lectures will be in the relevant professional journals, and websites, tickets, the exhibition newsletters, invitations and the mass media were free publicity, and published in the Bulletin on.
 参展范围: exhibitors:
微波无源部件:隔离器、环形器、滤波器、衰减器、耦合器 、双工器、天线、接插件等;
Active Microwave components: amplifiers, mixers, microwave switches, oscillator components;
Microwave passive components: Isolators, ring, filters, attenuators, couplers, diplexers, antennas, connectors, etc.;
Microwave components: resistors, capacitors, tubes, integrated circuits, and load / terminals, microstrip, waveguide devices, such as high-power devices;
RF, microwave, millimeter wave: microwave devices, millimeter wave devices, RF devices, microwave / RF cable assemblies, coaxial connectors, coaxial cable, etc.;
Instruments: millimeter-wave RF microwave test and measurement instrumentation, and microwave signal sources, such as microwave dedicated instrumentation;
Microwave materials: microwave absorbing materials, microwave darkroom, wireless, and other related electronic materials;
Special software: various microwave industry-specific software and services products;
Products and application example: millimeter-wave microwave, radio frequency devices, aviation, aerospace, defense, military, civilian, radar, electronic countermeasures, ships, weapons, navigation, radio, television, communication, communication, information, telecommunications, electronics, remote sensing, remote sensing, navigation, instrumentation, etc.;
 参展费用:Participation Fee:
境外企业:2800美元/标准展台;     合资企业:13000元人民币/标准展台;
展    位:8800元人民币/标准展台;
展馆光地(最少36平方米起租)境外企业:280美元/平方米   合资企业:1300元人民币/平方米   国内企业:900元人民币/平方米备注:标准展台设施包括:2.5米高三面围板、楣牌文字、一张咨询台、二把椅子、地毯、照明、一个220V电源插座。
Standard booth (Specifications: 3 x3 m)
Overseas enterprises: 2,800 US dollars / standards booth; joint ventures: 13,000 yuan / standards booth;
Booth: 8800 yuan / standards booth;
Hall-in (at least 36 square meters accrue)
Overseas enterprises: 280 US dollars / sq m domestic enterprises: 900 yuan / m 2
Note: Standard booth amenities include: 2.5 m third year of hoarding, fins licensing text, a desk, two chairs, carpets, lighting, a 220 V power outlet.
 参展程序: exhibitors procedures:
Booth completed application form, plus Chapter mail, or by fax to the organizing committee. For a week in the booth exhibitors will cost [50% (deposit) or total money] to pay by wire transfer or by the organizing committee, the principle of order booth: "first apply, first payment, first arrangements", the balance in August 20, 2009on the 1th payment, or as organizer will abandon its exhibitors. After participating exhibitors way for the withdrawal of the deposit and no rebate paid by the exhibitors.
Organizing Committee received "the application form" and the booth fee, and will invoice "Exhibitors Handbook" be sent to exhibitors. Exhibits on behalf of accommodation, transport, thie Exhibitors' Manual will prevail.
● 会刊及其它广告:journals,and other advertising:
In addition to journals in the General Assembly during the extensive gave authorities and relevant associations, merchants exhibition concept, the organisers will through channels at home and abroad, to the industry and related distribution system units.

广告版面 封面 封底 封一、二 封三 跨彩页 内彩页 黑白内页
广告价格(元) 20000 15000 10000 8000 10000 5000 3000
请  柬:RMB8000元/万        充气拱门:RMB16000元/天
入场券:RMB4000元/万        空飘气球:RMB5000元/天
 广告宣传及观众组织: advertising and audience organizations:
1, organizations throughout the relevant government departments, aviation, aerospace, defense, military, civilian, radar, electronic countermeasures, ships, weapons, navigation, radio, television, communication, communication, information, telecommunications, electronics, remote sensing, remote sensing, navigation, equipment Instruments such as microwave technology industries direct users, dealers, agents, research institutes, design institutes, institutions of higher learning and scientific research departments, government departments and other related trade associations related to professional businessmen came to visit the negotiations.
2, will be 60,000 invitations, 300,000 copies Canguanquan direct invitation, and by mail, FAX, E-mail, business communications, and other means invitation.
3, in a targeted manner for the collection of enterprise product catalogue and target users demand, advance registration, and the media in the microwave field, the organizers website, television, radio, newspapers, magazines and other media-related professionals comprehensive publicity;
4, organizers radar China Industry Association, China Telecommunications Industry Association, China's Beijing Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, with the support of this exhibition to create, including the invitation to professional users, microwave mining projects, international exchanges and organizations selecting the excellent equipment.
5, will be China's microwave technology in all sectors commence discussions and exchanges of the next five years the development of microwave technology trends and the latest technology development, a new microwave products market channels, start of projects, such as seminars and talks.
 组委会秘书处: Organizing Committee Secretariat:
China International Microwave components and equipment exhibition organizing committee;
Address: 4th Ring Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing East Road ocean International Centre Building 60 Room C, 1301
邮编:100025    Zip Code: 100025
电话:Tel : +86-10-59763051/13520532126
传真: Fax: 010-59763047
E-mail: weibochina@163.com
联系人:周 涛    Contact:Zhou Tao






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